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Playing Hooky

5 May


Still here!

I’ve been introduced to the S hook which is bigger than a Q hook and crazy awesome. I see a lot of my stash being busted up in my future.

Some Time Away

22 Apr

I haven’t forgotten the blog! My new job is on a different schedule than I’m used to as of late and so I’m still trying to find a good balance between Internet time and time with the Nugget and James. I’m working on some posts and new projects so there will be more. Stay tuned!

Liebster Award

11 Apr

I’m honored to have been nominated for a Liebster Award! Thanks, Cro29! I’m still new and this is a fun sort of award to get to know the blogs that have a smaller audience or are just starting out.

The Rules

1. Post eleven facts about myself.
2. Answer the questions the tagger has set and create eleven questions for the people I’ve nominated.
3. Choose eleven people (with fewer than 200 followers) to give this award to and link to them in my post.
4. Go to their page and tell them.
5. Remember, no tag backs.

11 Facts About Myself:

1. I love llamas and gnomes

2. My favorite comic book hero is Thor, followed closely by Wolverine and Hellboy

3. I am terrified of falling from high places.

4. I have about fifty bottles of nail polish

5. I cry every time I watch “Vincent and the Doctor”

6. I ❤ ❤ Dr. Who, a lot.

7. I love rainbows.

8. I dislike zombies. I will leave the room and put on headphones to avoid having to be in their presence.

9. I grew up in the Midwest and Partly in the North West. This makes for a very interesting dialect when I get excited.

10. I prefer to go barefoot unless I’m forced to. Even in cold weather months

11. My favorite show is Grimm currently. I love Monroe!

Questions from Cro29

If your a crafter what is your favourite craft website? Ravelry! I spend most of my internet life there!

Where is your favourite place to be?: At home or somewhere quiet.

where do you see yourself in 5 years time?: Hopefully writing full time and designing patterns.

Summer or winter?: Winter.

Biggest role model? My Grammy, she’s a great lady.

Favourite craft? Crochet

pink or blue? Pink

Favourite drink? Glitter and Gold tea from David’s tea.

Favourite singer/artist? This is tough. Powerman5000  has been one of my favorites for a long time

What has been your best age yet? Oh I don’t know, I think I’m getting better all the time!

Something your proud of? I’ve been crocheting for seventeen years and knitting for ten. I am proud to carry on the tradition!

My Questions for Nominees:

If you could meet your Craft hero, who would it be?

Coffee or tea?

If you were a Super Hero, what would be your power?

What is your best memory about crafting?

Favorite Quote?

What’s the one thing you want to learn to do the most?

Name the movie that made you cry last:

How did you choose the name of  your blog?

Favorite Meal?

If you could only read one book for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Crocs or Birkenstocks?

The Nominees!


Nat’s Crochet

About Crochet


Green Rabbit Designs

Sincerely, Rose

The Grange Range

The Female Munich

Pocket Full of Yarn

(Ok, so I was only able to find 9 people, I’m calling a mulligan since there are a lot of lovely blogs being nominated!)

Sneak Peeks!

10 Apr

This week has just flown by! Last week I started an afghan and hit some magical time-warp and found myself nearing the end of it in no time! The pattern is essentially I giant doily with a lot of chain stitches and broken up by rings of motifs. It’s part of my stash busting efforts and the results so far are pretty awesome.

Here’s a sneak peek of my blanket:

And a throw pillow to go with it! The colors are in the similar palette. I compiled all my blues, greens and purples into one pile and started picking them at random.

And the back.

I think I like the back better, but this isn’t the only pillow I’ll make so I’m not too worried about it. I was inspired by this tapestry:

I found it at a festival last summer and fell in love with the design. Growing up I was in love with mermaids and I guess that still carried through with me to adult hood. I think I’ll do some larger pillows, maybe work on a wall hanging or some art pieces and then we’ll be on our way to redecorating!

Things You’d Rather Be Doing #2

8 Apr

I know, I’ve been slacking on the blog. Sorry. I’ve been handling some real life stuff recently and I may have also been introduced to Supernatural and I also may have been crocheting. A lot. (Pictures tomorrow!)

Like my last post, this is going to be a semi-weekly thing. I’ll post things you’d rather be doing on a Monday and then when you get home you’ll have lots of lovely ideas.This week’s theme is a little bit crochet and a bit of everything else mixed together.

1. Crochet a crown: The pattern is in Dutch but it’s very detailed with pictures and simple enough that you could do this easily on your lunch break or maybe while you’re stuck in traffic (As long as you’re not the one driving!) It’d be a perfect gift for Mother’s day or a birthday! Also? It would be a great way to use up scraps!

2. Spruce up your back yard: With this awesome yard art! These up-cycled dragonflies would go great indoors or out. There’s no official tutorial but a great batch of pictures for inspiration!

3. Re-Vamp Your Wardrobe: Feeling like your duds are…duds? This tutorial is a great way to use what you have and get great results. Not just this link though, you can find lots of great things on Pinterest and other sites where people use magic (Because really, I don’t know how they do it, it’s a super power.) and take outdated outfits and get an awesome wardrobe for next to nothing.

4. Make Dinner: I kid you not, I made this a week ago and it is the easiest method for meatloaf. Ever. James loved it and raved about it for a couple of days afterward. It took me about 10 minutes of prepping and baked it for about 45 minutes. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.

That’s all for this week’s edition of Things You’d Rather Be Doing! Have fun with your new to-do list!

If you’re curious to see what I’ll come up with in the next post, follow me on Pinterest!

It’s Monday.

25 Mar

Let me make you feel better with a post about things you’d rather be doing. That will make the time go faster. Yep.

I did some research on Pinterest. You know…That void of awesome things where you imagine yourself with all the free time in the world and how you can make great things whilst feeling like Martha Stewart. As this is a hooking blog I thought maybe this first foray into Monday’s Things  You’d Rather Be Doing post could be about crochet.

Awesome things I found on Pinterest.

1. Heart Bag I’m a big fan of bags and I love that stitch pattern! It would make a great bag for needlework projects or to haul books to the library.

2. This Awesome Giraffe True story: My sister doesn’t believe giraffes are real. Then she went to work for Toys R Us and I died laughing at the irony of her life. (Though not really, cause I’m not a zombie.) I may make this as a gift for her birthday.

3. Just in time for Easter! I may have to make a couple of these for The Nugget and my niece. They would be great additions to an Easter Basket!

So don’t fret, Monday’s nearly half over!

Thanks for stopping by!

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